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A picture of a log truck trailer, full of cut logs, on a snowy forest road.
USDA Forest Service photo

What is Forest Products Modernization?

The goal of Forest Products Modernization (FPM) is to better align our Forest Service culture, policies, and procedures with current and future forest restoration needs to increase the pace and scale of restoration and improve forest conditions. We are striving for efficiencies (time and cost) in how we manage forests, deliver forest products, and carry out timber sales to increase acres treated and volume produced.

Why Modernize?

About 80 million acres of the lands we manage as an agency are at risk of catastrophic wildfires or abnormal levels of insect and disease impacts. Drinking water, homes, communities, wildlife habitat, historic places, sacred sites, recreation opportunities, and scenic vistas are among the many values at risk.

Our Fiscal Year 2019 timber harvest and fire risk mitigation goals are to sell 3.7 billion board feet of timber volume and treat 3.4 million acres—all while facing increasingly constrained budgets and resources. Our systems served us well under very different forest and staffing conditions but need to evolve to keep up with changing climate, technology, and markets. The magnitude of the challenges we face today demands we use every authority, tool, and technology available to improve forest conditions, support rural economies, and deliver excellent customer service while managing workloads and caring for the health and safety of employees.