Wednesday, November 9, 2022

OFFICIAL STATEMENT: Election Day DDoS Activity

Yesterday, our office confirmed an abnormally large increase in traffic volume due to DDoS activity, which caused the public facing side of our websites to be periodically inaccessible. 

At this time, we do not have confirmation as to where the DDoS activity originated and more evidence would be required to attribute to any person or group.

I couldn’t be prouder of our team, including the Mississippi Department of Information Technology Services, and their efforts throughout Election Day. They worked diligently to ensure that Mississippi's election was secure, and through their hard work, we can confidently say our election system was not compromised.

Having a strong Secretary of State’s Office that understands the importance of maintaining the integrity of our election system matters. Equally as important is having a strong legislature and electorate that understands the significance of this issue and supports us in our work.

We will continue to work with these groups to ensure, as cyber attacks strengthen in frequency and intellect, we are prepared and have the necessary resources to combat any and all attacks.

Secretary Watson signature
Secretary of State
State of Mississippi