Hello, salve, guten tag! Once again, Eurovision is upon us, AKA the best night of the year. This time round, the iconic contest is being held in Liverpool!

We're big fans of the Eurovision Song Contest here at BuzzFeed UK, and for the past couple of years, we've ranked the songs in the run up to the final. Well, 2023 is to be no exception...
This year, Sam, Sepi, and Jeff have come together to listen to all 36 of the entries. Here are the Eurovision 2023 songs ranked according to our personal opinions and our combined scores.

36. "Promise" by Voyager – Australia (Qualified for final)
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Sam: Looooove a slightly more rocky entry as well as a bit of screaming, but it's not super catchy to me! 4/10
Sepi: Not too bad! Not going to lie, it's not really my vibe, but I respect it! 5/10
Jeff: This went from Imagine Dragons to Slipknot... I was NOT expecting that. Sorry, it's not for me. 3/10
Total: 12/30
35. "Burning Daylight" by Mia Nicolai and Dion Cooper – Netherlands (Eliminated)
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Sam: Mmmm, this does sound like a top 40 pop song, but not one I'd listen to. 2/10
Sepi: Ah, the Netherlands! I feel like this might not make it, however, I think it’s a very sweet song! 4/10
Jeff: A beautiful song! I think it will all come down to the live performance for this – it will either fall middle of the pack, or be a top favourite based on how they deliver it. 6/10
Total: 12/30
34. "Aijā" by Sudden Lights – Latvia (Eliminated)
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Sam: The video is giving "Think About Things", but it's a nothing song for me, personally. I won't remember this later at all. 1/10
Sepi: It's cute, but I feel it will get a bit lost amongst other entries. I would love to see it do well though! 6/10
Jeff: A cool indie song I'd prob listen to on my Discover Weekly, but not sold on it for Eurovision. 5/10
Total: 12/30
33. "What They Say" by Victor Vernicos – Greece (Eliminated)
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Sam: Cute song but it's too jaunty and Ed Sheeran-ey for me. The guy isn't doing much, but he's cute. 2/10
Sepi: Not bad. It does have an Ed Sheeran energy, but I think I might not remember this one as much to others. 5.5/10
Jeff: This song is good, but I'm afraid it just doesn't stand out compared to some of the others. 5/10
Total: 12.5/10
32. "D.G.T (Off and On)" by Theodor Andrei – Romania (Eliminated)
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Sam: This guy is like Skrillex meets Betelgeuse, which I like! I enjoy his voice a lot, but this song is meh to me. 2/10
Sepi: I really like his vocals, however, I don't know if this will reach the top 10. 6/10
Jeff: His voice is super impressive! It's an interesting one; I bet fans will be divided over this. 5/10
Total: 13/30
31. "Solo" by Blanka – Poland (Qualified for final)
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Sam: A bit of a generic pop girl track to me – cute, but not memorable. It also feels a bit like they're relying on the male gaze, honestly. 2.5/10
Sepi: Not bad, but it doesn't stand out to me. I'm half Polish, so just for that fact, I hope we get through to the finals! 5.5/10
Jeff: Such a cute pop song that I personally really like, but I don't know if it's the strongest entry this year. 5/10
Total: 13/30
30. "Stay" by Monika Linkytė – Lithuania (Qualified for final)
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Sam: It's giving early Adele B-side track. It has a nice melody, and she sings it nicely, but this song isn't catchy enough for me. 3.5/10
Sepi: It's not too bad, y'know! 5/10
Jeff: A sweet song, but it's not overly memorable for me, sorry! She sounds great though. 5/10
Total: 13.5/30
29. "Carpe Diem" by Joker Out – Slovenia (Qualified for final)
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Sam: This is hella boring to me. It's like an indie boyband sound, but with zero substance, sorry! 0.5/10
Sepi: This is fun! It has a nice upbeat party energy that I would dance along to. 6/10
Jeff: I love the vibe of this! Now I just need to learn the chorus so I can sing along. 7/10
Total: 13.5/10
28. "We Are One" by Wild Youth – Ireland (Eliminated)
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Sam: It's nice, but it's boring. 2.5/10
Sepi: This is quite a nice song; it would probably find its way on a playlist of mine some day! 6.5/10
Jeff: This song just has nice vibes and a perfect message for Eurovision. 5/10
Total: 14/30
27. "Ai Coraçāo" by Mimicat – Portugal (Qualified for final)
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Sam: I like the fusion of folky instruments and pop, but it's not for me. 3/10
Sepi: Hey, listen, this would catch my attention for sure, so I respect it! 6/10
Jeff: This has a fun Eurovision quirk to it, but not a favourite of mine, sadly. 5/10
Total: 14/30
26. "Tell Me More" by TuralTuranX – Azerbaijan (Eliminated)
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Sam: Big The Script vibes! I feel like this would've ruled the charts like ten years ago, now it's a bit more on the generic side... Sorry. (I expect more from the country that once entered "Mata Hari" by Efendi!!!) 2.5/10
Sepi: This is different for Azerbaijan! It's actually nice and refreshing! 7/10
Jeff: This is cute! Not sure it will stand out amongst some of the other bigger songs, but it seems sweet. 5/10
Total: 14.5/10
25. "Duje" by Albina and Familja Kelmendi – Albania (Qualified for final)
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Sam: It seems lovely and there's a nice family aspect to the video, but it's a bit boring for me personally. 3/10
Sepi: I like how they've stuck to what I am guessing is a traditional vibe. It's the sort of song I would come and sing together with my family. 6/10
Jeff: Super strong vocals, and you gotta love it when a country sticks close to their culture in the song. 6/10
Total: 15/30
24. "Power" by Diljá – Iceland (Eliminated)
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Sam: I like it, but it feels a bit blah to me. She's doing too much (she can definitely sing) for the backing track, which is incredibly generic. 3/10
Sepi: This is cute! Vocals are on POINT! 7/10
Jeff: Loveeee the beat and melody on this. I would love to hear this at a summer festival. 6/10
Total: 16/30
23. "Blood & Glitter" by Lord of the Lost – Germany (Qualified for final)
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Sam: Oooh, this is fun! I love the rock edge with the screaming. It's much catchier than Australia's similar-sounding entry too, sorry! 7.5/10
Sepi: Germany is going for a full rock and metal energy! I love it. 7/10
Jeff: If you couldn't already tell, there's a certain genre of song that I love and this just isn't for me. 2/10
Total: 16.5/30
22. "Due Vite" by Marco Mengoni – Italy (Qualified for final)
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Sam: He's a lovely singer, but it's not for me. I will say, half of the fun of Eurovision for me is spotting all the hot men. At least this ticks that box! 2/10
Sepi: I always enjoy Italy's entries! They really came back into Eurovision recently with such strong songs, and this one is the same in my eyes. 7.5/10
Jeff: His voice is absolutely stunning. Even though I don't know what he's saying, I can feel his emotion through the performance. 7/10
Total: 16.5/30
21. "Future Lover" by Brunette – Armenia (Qualified for final)
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Sam: She's gorgeous and I like the song a lot, but it's not super impactful to me. Hopefully I'll like it more at the live show! 3.5/10
Sepi: OOOH! I quite like this! It feels quite edgy and has a very trendy vibe. It seems to mix up quite a few genres, which I always enjoy. 7.5/10
Jeff: I love the journey this song takes. I think it's a pretty powerful entry and I can see a lot of people loving this. 6/10
Total: 17/30
20. "Like An Animal" by Piqued Jacks – San Marino (Eliminated)
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Sam: I really like the beat, this is very nice! I also rate his passion and he's giving peak-era Brandon Flowers. I would 100% listen to this, I hope it qualifies! 8/10
Sepi: Okay, I'm liking the funky rock sound! It's not too bad, but I do wonder how well it will do. 5.5/10
Jeff: I think this is fine, it just doesn't blow me away. 4/10
Total: 17.5/10
19. "Eaea" by Blanca Paloma – Spain (Qualified for final)
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Sam: This feels quite different for Spain, which I appreciate. I'm not sure about it though. At least it's an interesting change! 4/10
Sepi: Oh, I love the layering of the vocals! I actually got chills – the hairs on my arms are standing up! 8/10
Jeff: This is so not what I was expecting from Spain, especially after last year. I like that they're doing something so different! 6/10
Total: 18/30
18. "Echo" by Iru – Georgia (Eliminated)
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Sam: It's certainly dramatic, but I'm not sure it sticks in the mind enough. Amazing fashion though! 3.5/10
Sepi: A power ballad right here! It's giving slight Lady Gaga energy too. 7/10
Jeff: Eurovision really said VOCALS this year! This is one of my personal faves, but I think there are some others that will do better. 8/10
Total: 18.5/30
17. "My Sister's Crown" by Vesna – Czechia (Qualified for final)
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Sam: The drama! As a fan of Florence + The Machine, Björk, Kate Bush etc. I love the female-centric energy, and the costumes are everything! Unfortunately, the song isn't exactly amazinggg. 6/10
Sepi: Oh this is giving drama and arthouse and I am living for it! 6.5/10
Jeff: I have a feeling this is going to stand out as a fairly memorable Eurovision performance. 7/10
Total: 19.5/30
16. "Bridges" by Alika – Estonia (Qualified for final)
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Sam: Yes, much drama! Bring that voice! I like this, it's very powerful with a rocky edge. 5.5/10
Sepi: OOO DRAMATIC! I feel the power of this, and even though I don’t understand Estonian, I feel there is depth to this. 7.5/10
Jeff: This song has layyyyers! I feel this performance is going to be beautiful. 7/10
Total: 20/30
15. "Heart of Steel" by TVORCHI – Ukraine (Qualified for final)
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Sam: I want to award this 10/10 for obvious reasons, but is it a good song? Not in my opinion, no. 4/10
Sepi: I really like this! This has a really cool sound. I can't quite put my finger on how to describe it, but this is refreshing. 9/10
Jeff: This is such a good song! I can definitely imagine this on global pop radio stations. 7/10
Total: 20/30
14. "Watergun" by Remo Forrer – Switzerland (Qualified for final)
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Sam: An interesting choice... I like the lyrics a lot. It's very honest and powerful. 6.5/10
Sepi: I like this. The lyrics seem to run deep – it's a song where you really want to listen to each lyric. 8/10
Jeff: I was not expecting that voice from him! What a powerful song. 6/10
Total: 20.5/30
13. "Samo Mi Se Spava" by Luke Black – Serbia (Qualified for final)
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Sam: "Hello?!" I'm very into this – I like the drama and the instrumentation. It feels like a song that would've been on the Atomic Blonde soundtrack, and from me, that's high praise. 7.5/10
Sepi: This sounds like it could be from a game soundtrack or something! But does this guy blink?? I swear in the lyrics he says, "I just wanna sleep forever". Mood. I rate it. 7.5/10
Jeff: This really stands out as something different than the others. It's a bit too creepy of a song for me to like personally, but I can see others loving it. 6/10
Total: 21/30
12. "Soarele şi Luna" by Pasha Parfeni – Moldova (Qualified for final)
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Sam: This feels like classic Eurovision; it's orchestral and pop-ey at the same time. A very strong entry, I think. It also has a great music video – like Midsommar meets Calvin Harris or something. 6/10
Sepi: I like this! Oooooh, this is up there for me. 8.5/10
Jeff: I love that you can't predict what's going to come next with this. A flute techno dance break? Yes please! 7/10
Total: 21.5/30
11. "Cha Cha Cha" by Käärijä – Finland (Qualified for final)
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Sam: A TikTok song for sure! I love this video and the guy is serving! I really like his kinky boxing outfit. I mean, come on, THIS is classic Eurovision, folks. 7.5/10
Sepi: I love how Finland always tend to bring something super fun to the competition! I can see this being in the top five for sure. 8/10
Jeff: The juxtaposition between the song and the performance... I have noooo clue what's going on or how I feel about it, but isn't that what Eurovision is all about? It's not for me, but I bet it will do really well. 6/10
Total: 21.5/30
10. "I Wrote A Song" by Mae Muller – UK (Qualified for final)
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Sam: Come on, Mae! This is super catchy tbf, I like it a lot. Appreciate the meta lyrics. I hope we do as well as last year! 7/10
Sepi: Go on, Mae! It's a nice bop and I really like Mae's voice! 7.5/10
Jeff: It's so nice to have something other than a ballad from the UK this year. This song is so fun! I do think there are some stronger entries, but I love Mae! 7/10
Total: 21.5/30
9. "Because Of You" by Gustaph – Belgium (Qualified for final)
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Sam: Love this! I'm here for the queer vibes and this guy can really sing. Nice '90s feel somehow. 7/10
Sepi: OKAY, BELGIUM! I really like this! This is a song I know I will be up at the TV dancing to! Get it Belgium! 8/10
Jeff: Belgium coming in with the discoooo! This is the exact type of song I love to listen to; however, I'm not sold it will blow people away. 7/10
Total: 22/30
8. "Break A Broken Heart" by Andrew Lambrou – Cyprus (Qualified for final)
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Sam: YESSSS, break my back... I mean heart, Andrew. I like this, it's very catchy and I think it could go far! 8/10
Sepi: Oh okay, Andrew! This has a nice beat to it for sure. Also, if you want it, my number is 078… 7/10
Jeff: This song is beauttttiful. I cannot wait to hear the live vocals. 7/10
Total: 22/30
7. "Dance (Our Own Party) by The Busker – Malta (Eliminated)
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Sam: Great sweater! He's super cute and I like this song a lot. Yes, I want to dance. I am free on Thursday night that is when I am free let me know if you're free on Thursday night so we can dance on Thursday night when I am free. 6.5/10
Sepi: OH THIS IS FUN, I LOVE SAXOPHONES ESPECIALLY IN EUROVISION. This instantly gets extra points from me. I'm having flashbacks to Moldova's entry in 2010. I will never forget that, and I think I won't forget this one either. 7.5/10
Jeff: This is so fun and the sax! I really love this. 8/10
Total: 22/30
6. "Breaking My Heart" by Reiley – Denmark (Eliminated 😢)
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Sam: Okay, I actually love this! I mean, it's painfully Gen-Z, and it really seems like the kind of song that would play in YA film or series, but that doesn't mean I don't enjoy it! I think/hope this will blow up on TikTok after the final. 10/10
Sepi: This is giving Gen-Z energy, but also a very cute energy. It seems like a sweet lighthearted bop! 7/10
Jeff: It's giving Troye Sivan and I'm here for it, but I'm not sure it's the most exciting Eurovision entry I've heard so far. 5/10
Total: 22/10
5. "Who The Hell Is Edgar?" by Teya & Salena – Austria (Qualified for final)
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Sam: The title... WTF??? 😂 This is quite catchy and I like their voices together. It's more "pop-ey", which is a bit of me, but I don't think it stands out enough. 5/10
Sepi: Oh, this is FUN! I hope this does well! This is such a fun energy and I want to know who Edgar is. 8.5/10
Jeff: I loveeeeee this tune so much. No idea why they're singing about Edgar Allen Poe, but I'm not sure I care! Definitely a favourite for me this year. 9/10
Total: 22.5/30
4. "Tattoo" by Loreen – Sweden (Qualified for final)
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Sam: Obviously we LOVE Loreen – what a powerhouse voice – but this is probably not as catchy as "Euphoria". I'm super glad she's back though! 5/10
Sepi: I have such a soft spot for Loreen and, of course, she has delivered again in my opinion. 8.5/10
Jeff: Loreen is back, baby!!! An absolute Eurovision legend – she is going to be tough competition. 9/10
Total: 22.5/30
3. "Unicorn" by Noa Kirel – Israel (Qualified for final)
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Sam: I wanna dance in a club to this! Israel often bring it, honestly. I don't love that it's "unicorn" she's singing about (so meh) but I LOVE the sound. Sing that song, mawmmmma! 9/10
Sepi: This is a true head-bopper! Tell me though, what is the power of a unicorn? 7/10
Jeff: I loveeeee this song – especially when it breaks out the Blackpink vibes towards the end! 8/10
Total: 24/30
2. "Évidemment" by La Zarra – France (Qualified for final)
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Sam: I like this a lot. I mean, French music rules anyway, and this song has a lot of potential. The outfit is a solid 10, tbf. 7/10
Sepi: France is bringing the sultry, beautiful energy! I realllllly like this. It has a bit of a disco/funk flavour. This is leaving a sweet taste in my mouth! 8.5/10
Jeff: I absolutely love when the beat kicks in! Could we be going to France next year? 9/10
Total: 24.5/30
1. "Queen of Kings" by Alessandra – Norway (Qualified for final)
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Sam: She has a really strong voice and the song is cool! I can't wait to see this on the night... Fingers crossed. 8/10
Sepi: The vocals are giving! I feel like this could definitely be found blasting in a club somewhere. 8/10
Jeff: This is such a good song! I have a feeling it could have a fairly long life post--Eurovision. 9/10
Total: 25/30